Weather Conditions at Hempstead Bay Sailing Club, Island Park, NY

Sun and Moon

Sunrise:   Sunset:
Moon Phase: Full Moon

Vantage Pro2 Forecast

Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours Windy with possible wind shift to the W, NW, or N.

Weather Underground

Today's Observations updated

Temperature: 64.2°F High Temperature: 64.2 °F at
Low Temperature: 52.9 °F at
Dew Point: 62.1°F High Dew Point: 62.0 °F at
Low Dew Point: 50.0 °F at
Humidity: 93 %  Humidex: High Humidity: 96 % at
Low Humidity: 81 % at
10-Min. Avg: --- mph
High Gust: mph at
Barometer: 28.423 in Falling Rapidly High Pressure: 29.522 in at
Low Pressure: 28.423 in at
Wind Chill: 56.0 °F Low Wind Chill: 45.0 °F at
Heat Index: 65.2 °F  THW Index: 57.0 °F High Heat Index: 65.0 °F at
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr High Rain Rate: 4.36 in/hr at
Daily Rain: 0.23 in Storm Rain: 0.23 in

Wunderground Radar


Severe Weather

Local Severe

NWS Radar via CWOP


Wunderground Current Fronts

Weather Underground Current Weather Map

Wave Heights

Current Winds


Weather Station Charts

Today's Rain Current Rain Rate
Monthly Total Rain Yearly Total Rain

Middle Bay Tides